Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The storybook project is very enjoyable. I like to work with partners. I am enjoying the partners because it is makes less work for me. I like to share the work with someone who I get along with too. I like the fact that we get to choose what we wanted to do our project on. I am enjoying the project because it will be very fun. We get to interview the person who in my project would be Ms. Connon. I think this project will really help the incoming freshman because I didn't have any of these videos and I was pretty lost. I had to come into a brand new school and I had no idea what to do. It was a pretty scary experience because I didn't know what to expect and i did not know what I could join or what i could experience at my new school.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Name Project

I think that the name project was very fun. I learned a lot about my computer by doing all the different  steps. It was very difficult for me because i am not good at computers. I did have my people at the table to help me with everything. With this project we all ended up helping each other with what to do. It was a fun project though because you got to pick the pictures and the song. The one thing that was limiting me was the language in the song but she checked it and it was fine. So pretty much I got to pick everything that was in my slideshow. I liked the freedom we had for this project because normally you have guidelines to follow, but this time there was almost no guidelines. It was all about me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Charity Project

I think the charity project was a little fun. It had us use our imagination which was kinda fun. I also liked the fact that we could express how we feel about the charity of our choice. It was pretty interesting to learn about the different tools we used. I actually did not know any of the tools we used existed. I can now use these when i need to use them for projects or later in life when I have to invite people to something over email I can address them the right way. I did know how to use the documents on google already because I had to use it in grade school.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

M&M Project

I think the M&M project was a good way to learn how to use a lot of what Excel has to offer. I know now that I can use it for charts, averages, and many other things. I think that Excel is really easy to use once you learn how. I actually had a good time learning how to use Excel. I was very shocked at how easy it was to learn how to use Excel. I am not good at computers so I am happy that I learned how to use Excel so fast. I can now use Excel without help to do projects and keep them organized. I am glad we used Excel today because I also use it in Algebra for charts.

Monday, March 14, 2011

First Class Blog

I am excited to see what this class will helped me with. I am not that good with computers so I will need help with whatever I can. I really want to be able to more with my computer now that i have someone teaching me how to use it. I really don't like computers that much for anything except games and like chat and stuff. My expectations for this class are to be fun but to also teach me how to use my computer. I also want to know how to use a mac better because my computers at home are P.C. not Mac. My name is Ally and i live in Peoria. I have a dog. I have no siblings. I am involved in choir and hopefully can be in swimming next year.